Speck Smasher Specklebelly Goose Call– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Speck Smasher Specklebelly Goose Call

$ 149.99
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The Speck Smasher from Hobo World Champion Calls is easy to blow and sounds just like a Specklebelly Goose.

Designed by Kent himself this speck call rips high and low notes with little effort from the caller.  One of the easiest speck calls to blow on the market they named this call the speck smasher for a reason.  Using the rice fields of Arkansas for testing 2020-2021 saw some great hunts and showed the productivity of this goose call.

We have many colors available.  At time of purchase we can produce a custom color scheme or send you a color that we have in stock.  Please Email us or call for colors @ info@hfdepot.com.

Pick up your new Speck Smasher hot off the lathe.



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