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Alligator Hunting Equipment

Our Alligator Hunting Equipment Features The Cheapest Gator Hunting Gear On The Internet

When stocking the best alligator hunting equipment it is good to have the best. We have done our research and spent countless hours hunting gators so you can gator hunt with ease. 

What equipment do I need for alligator hunting?

The first thing your want to stock up on is the alligator hooks that will catch them. We feature a selection of gator hunting equipment that features a full line of snag gator hooks ready to pierce into your next monster alligator. You will want to get your snatch hooks rigged so you are ready to go on your next gator hunting trip. A few other things you will want to consider having are an alligator harpoon and a gator bangstick to put it down. They do make a gator call that some professionals chose to use when trying to lure in a big alligator.

What size treble hook for alligators?

When casting for gators it's best to use a 5/0 gator snag hook with minimal weight to enhance your casting distance. Once you have hooked the gator with the smaller treble hook you can send down a 10/0 to 20/0 hook to get it anchored in the gator to bring it up.



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