Offshore Sinker Weights– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Offshore Sinker Weights

Our Wide Selection Of Sinker Weights Are Perfect For Your Offshore Fishing Adventure

At Hunting and Fishing Depot we know how important it is to have the right offshore sinker weights. No matter need high-speed trolling weights or deep drop weights we have the lead sinkers that anglers are needing.

What weight sinker to use?

One of the most common questions we get asked is what is the best sinker weight I should be using. That is easy, it depends on the type of fishing you are doing. If deep drop fishing, having the right lead deep drop weight is important for getting your baits to the bottom. Our selection of high speed trolling weights will complete your rigs and help suspend your wahoo lures at the right depth.

Offshore fishing weights are something you need when big game fishing. Let us outfit you with the right sinker weights and start catching more fish.



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