Flounder Jigs– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Flounder Jigs

Flounder Jigs are The Perfect Jig For Flounder Fishing 

Flounder Jigs come in many different shapes and sizes. They vary in style and color. Flounder jigs are one of the best lures to fish for flounder. Flounder fishing is often best done using artificial or live bait. Many experienced anglers swear by artificial baits, and that is all they will throw. Artificial baits vary in size, shape, style, and appearance. To fish the perfect artificial bait, you need to pair it with the right flounder jig for a deadly combination.

Swing Head Jig

One of the best types of flounder jigs is a football swing head jig. This style of live bait jig paired with a Kahle style hook allows for great play in the water with your fluke or other kinds of artificial. However, the flounder swing jig is designed for fishing with live bait to allow the flounder to eat the bait.  The swing style doesn't need as much time for the flounder to eat the bait.  They are offered in a variety of different sizes and styles. The best ones are usually football swing head jig with a 3/0 Kahle hook. Flounder swing jigs typically come in weights of 1/4oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, 3/4oz, and 1oz.

3D Eye Inshore Jig Heads

Another great style of flounder jig is the 3D eye inshore jig heads. It has been proven time and time again that fish will hit a jig with eyes. Many companies have capitalized on this and have come out with a flounder jig with 3D eyes. Flounder jigs are used for most inshore species besides just flounder. At Hunting and Fishing Depot, we have tweaked it a little and added a Kahle hook to make it perfect for flounder fishing.

Flounder Stand Up Jigs

The Flounder Stand Up Jigs are designed for artificial.  The screw lock holder allows for proper rigging without the plastic slipping down the shank.  Paired with a Mustad 4x hook, the custom stand-up head suspends the soft plastic off the bottom, allowing for a better hook ratio on the bottom.  The Flounder Stand up Jig is great for catching flounder as well as reds and trout.  Grab a pack of Flounder Stand up Jigs today.

At Hunting and Fishing Depot, we will have a style of flounder hook that will meet your needs. No matter what kind of inshore fishing you are a fan of, chances are you will fish for flounder at some point.

Be prepared and stocked up with the best flounder jigs on the market at HFDepot.



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