Patriotism Trucker Hat | Major League Fowl– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Patriotism Trucker Hat | Major League Fowl

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$ 23.99

The Major League Fowl Patriotism Trucker Hat Screams 'Merica

Major league waterfowl has come out with the patriotism trucker hat that bleeds red, white and blue. This trucker hat screams America. This patriotic trucker hat features an american flag in the MLF logo. Great for any duck hunter who is proud they live in the USA. Make this your next blind hat or wear it around town during your everyday life. This is a hat that waterfowl hunters need to add to their collections.

Major League Fowl Patriotism Hat Specs:

  • Low Profile Trucker Hat From Richardson and Richardson 112
  • Casual Structured
  • Cotton-Poly/Nylon Mesh
  • Pre-curved Visor
  • Adjustable Snapback

Get Your major league fowl patriotism trucker hat today!




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