4" Chartreuse Speck-a-nater Popping Cork– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

4" Chartreuse Speck-a-nater Popping Cork

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The 4" Chartreuse Speck-a-nater Popping Cork Is An Inshore Float All Anglers Should Be Using 

The best popping cork on the internet. Taking the fishing industry by storm. If you love to go inshore fishing then you love fishing with a cork float. The popping cork is a redfish lure that is made to attract fish to your bait. When you love fishing with live shrimp bait, float it under a popping cork, and watch your fishing count increase dramatically. When the fish are shut down, the popping cork sound mimics a fleeing shrimp and causes a commotion in the water. This will often lead to reaction strikes.

The 4" chartreuse popping corks from red alert lures are made from the best materials on the market. They are made to hold up in the harsh conditions that come with saltwater. Unlike many of the competitors on the market, they are crafted with a heavy-duty wire that is specially coated to bend and flex. The best thing is they will never break. We stand behind that. Apart from being the most durable cork, they are by far the loudest on the market. Our specialty beads knock together giving you the loudest bang for your buck.

4" Chartreuse Speck-a-nater Popping Cork Specs:

  • Float Type: Popping Cork
  • Color: Chartreuse
  • Wire: 250lb stainless steel specially coated cable
  • Species: Redfish, Trout, and Flounder

Shop our float collection today and get your 4" Chartreuse Speck-a-nater popping cork today.





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