White & Red Flair Hawk Jig– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

White & Red Flair Hawk Jig

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$ 6.99

Our White & Red Flair Hawk Jig Are The Perfect Lure For Catching Snook

We offer the ultimate white & red flair hawk jig on the market. The jig head is painted in our white snow color. The thread on the jig is red, and the skirt is crimped white nylon with a red nylon tail. It is guaranteed to attract more fish. We offer this jig in multiple weights. Fish with confidence and catch more snook today!

No matter what type of fishing you love to do, there is nothing better than catching snook. Some of the biggest snooks are caught from the beach, under bridges, in passes, on piers, from jetties, or off the boat. The one common theme from all these spots is what you are fishing with. Artificial jigs seem to work the best. These bullet jig heads with nylon skirts are irresistible for snook when jigged through the water. The beauty of jigging for snook is the fact that any angler can do it. No matter what level of experience you have, you can use our jigs to help increase the number of hits and hook-up ratio.

There are many imitators on the market but always go with the trusted time and time again from Hunting and Fishing Depot. Our jigs are easy to use, durable, and seem to really attract the fish. These jigs are made 100% in the united states out of the state of Florida. No matter how many hits you get, it will never tear these jigs up. The jigs come in various weights that include 1oz, 1.5oz, 2oz, 2.5oz, and 3oz. The color patterns that this jig has are white, red, and chartreuse. We have spent hours using this jig and realized these colors are what the snook what.

White & Red Flair Hawk Jig Specs:

  • Jig Head Color: White
  • Body Color: White Nylon Skirt
  • Tail Color: Red & Chartreuse
  • Jig Head: Lead
  • Eyes: 3D Red Eyes
  • Jig Head Style: Bullet Head
  • Weights: 1oz, 1.5oz, 2oz, 2.5oz, and 3oz

Buy our white & red flair hawk jig, and we guarantee you will be a repeat customer when using our jigs. Fish with only the best and start filling coolers with more fish.

Make sure to get your white & red flair hawk jig today and start catching more fish. 



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