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Halocline Saltwater Fishing Apparel


Halocline Saltwater Fishing Apparel Is The Next Generation Of Fishing Apparel!

I'm sure you are Wondering what in the world is halocline? "Halocline is a relatively sharp discontinuity in ocean salinity at a particular depth." In other words, a Halocline is a phenomenon occurring when freshwater meets saltwater. This fits our passion perfectly because we want to change the way freshwater and saltwater fishing are done through our company.

This story began 4 years ago in Charleston, South Carolina with two guys going to graduate school together. A friendship was formed with the common interest of fishing. We were both from big fishing backgrounds being from Florida and Georgia. Combined we have fished from the Texas coast to the Florida Keys all the way up to Cape Hatteras. Over those two years of school, it was our quest to catch everything that would bite. Whether it was hiking through the salt marshes to our so-called "honey holes" or enjoying a day out on the boat, we destroyed the fish! During that time, we had always wanted an affordable shirt that would provide the necessary protective measures that are required for an all-day fishing trip. The passion was there and Halocline was born.

Halocline has come out with the top of the line performance shirts at an affordable price with some awesome designs. It was our goal to bring the very best fishing apparel to market and provide anglers with a better option than some of the more expensive companies out there. We have specialized in our performance shirts, headwear, and t-shirts. At Halocline Fishing we have a motto that we live by and that is something that we are proud of. From the mountain creek brook trout to the Gulf Stream wahoo, our mission is to help you catch more fish and look good doing it. Live Life Unguided!

Halocline Saltwater Fishing Apparel Will Be Your New Favorite Apparel When Out Fishing!



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