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Anchor Ball Retrieval Ring

$ 12.99
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SeaWorx Anchor Ball Retrieval Ring 

This deep water anchor retrieval ring is a high quality Anchor Ball Ring that will allow you to easily pull in your anchor. Simply add this ring to your bouy and rope clip to create the perfect anchor retrieving system. This stainless steal anchor retrieval ring will partner with your system to making pulling the anchor a breeze. This ring is ideal for offshore or bay anchoring. Once this ring is attached to a rope clip and bouy you can place the ring over the anchor line and toss it into the water, then drive your boat at a forty five degree angle to the anchor. This will allow the ring and bouy to release the anchor from the bottom of the ocean. The anchor will slide up to the surface using the anchor ring and make pulling anchors almost effortless.

Get your Anchor Ball Ring today to add to your Anchor Retrieving System.



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