Custom Aluminum Fishing Gaff– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Custom Aluminum Fishing Gaff

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Seaworx Lightweight Custom Aluminum Fishing Gaff

Looking for a gaff that combines strength and accuracy? Look no further than Seaworxs' lightweight aluminum fishing gaff. Its sleek design easily moves through the water, allowing for quick and precise catches. Plus, its lightweight construction means you won't be weighed down while bringing in your big catch. Crafted with marine-grade aluminum, these gaffs are built to last and resist corrosion. Choose between the color of heat shrink for added security while fishing. Available in 2, 2.5, and 4 feet, Seaworxs has the perfect gaff to meet your specific needs.

Custom Aluminum Gaff Specs:

  • Manufacture: Seaworx
  • Materials: Aluminum
  • Grip: Custom Heat Shrink
  • Colors: Black, Blue, or Green
  • Length: 2, 2.5, and 4 feet

Get your Seaworx Aluminum Fishing Gaff Today and start hauling in your catch!



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