Crab Claw Cutter | Toadfish Outfitters– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Crab Claw Cutter | Toadfish Outfitters

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$ 37.99

The Crab Claw Cutter From Toadfish Outfitters Will Change How You Eat Crabs

Toadfish Outfitters has brought to market the crab claw cutter that aids in removing meat from the crab shell. The traditional method of removing crab meat consisted of crushing the shell. This often would cut peoples hands and leave fragments of shell. 

Are you tired of eating crab shells? I know I am. The crab claw cutter has changed the game for eating crabs. This patented crab claw cutter allows for anyone to cut evenly around the crab claws and leave the chunk of meat intact. Maybe the presentation is your thing. This seafood tool will blow your mind. This tool works perfectly for blue crabs, king crabs, and Dungeness crab claws. Limit the amount of mess you make and clean crab with ease. The spring-loaded jaws of the crab claw cutter will open the claw fast and easy.

Crab Claw Cutter Specs:

Each crab claw cutter features a precision serrated cutter that allows for a clean cut everytime. The spring action is perfect for anyone to use and allow for you to do it with ease. If you have ever had crabs before you know your hands often get wet. This tool features non-slip rubber grips designed on the handle. All crab claw cutters are stainless steel to help prevent rusting.

How Does The Crab Claw Cutter Work? 

Simply flip open the locking hinge to allow for claw placement. Once you have placed the claw in the serrated jaws right above the crab claw joint just close it. Release the pressure and notice a perfect cut every time. Simply remove the crab meat and enjoy. Maybe you are a visual learner, check out the video below for more details on how to successfully use the crab claw cutter for toadfish outfitters.




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