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Teaser Pleaser | Diaphragm Turkey Calls | Tom Teasers

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Current Price $ 10.99

Teaser Pleaser Turkey Call from Tom Teasers Is A Cutting Call You Need To Be Using

The teaser pleaser mouth calls are handmade to perfection to guarantee you the perfect turkey sounds. They are pressed in the united states so they proudly wear the made in America tag. Tom teases uses only the best available materials on the market when crafting the teaser pleaser. Their latex, tape, and frames are a step above the rest. By keeping the making process consistent, it has allowed keeping the beautiful turkey sounds consistent with the calls they make. The turkey sounds produced with the teaser pleaser turkey call from Tom Teasers are so realistic and perfect for driving those toms wild. 

Be prepared for your next turkey hunting trip with the teaser pleaser diaphragm mouth calls from Tom Teasers. The sounds that come from these calls are guaranteed to call in more turkeys. We cant shoot them for you, but with a Tom Teasers mouth call we will at least get them close enough to you for you to kill. 

Teaser Pleaser Mouth Call Specs:

  • 3 Reed Bat Cut
  • Cutting Turkey Call
  • .004 yellow over 2 reeds of .003
  • Hand Pressed and Made In the USA

Have the right mouth call for the job to limit out your turkeys this season. Shop our large selection of tom teasers calls and get your teaser pleaser today.



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