Fiddler Red Sheepshead Jigs | Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Fiddler Red Sheepshead Jigs

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Fiddler Red Sheepshead Jigs Are The Ultimate Swing Jigs

Fiddler Red Sheepshead Jigs are perfect for sheepshead fishing both inshore and offshore. These one of a kind jigs come with either a Mustad octopus hook or a Mustad hoodlum 4x strong live bait hook. What hook you fish with is an anglers preference but these are the two best sheepshead hooks on the market. The fiddler red sheepshead jigs presents your fiddler just right in the water and will yield more bites that traditional jig heads. Start using sheepshead jigs and find yourself catching more convicts.

 Fiddler Red Sheepshead Jigs Specs:

  • Color: Fiddler Red
  • Jig Style: Swing Jig
  • Jig Weight: 1/4oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, and 1oz
  • Hook Size: 1,0, 2/0, 3/0 Mustad Octopus Hook and 1/0 4x Strong Hoodlum Live Bait Hook
  • Pack Size: 3 Jigs Per Pack
  • Item# FRSHEEP-05

Get your fiddler red sheepshead jigs today and start catching more sheepshead.



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