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Dominant Hen | Friction Calls | Tom Teasers

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Original Price $ 69.99
Current Price $ 54.99

Tom Teasers Turkey Friction Calls Are Available In Slate, Glass, And Aluminum Styles

Tom Teasers has crafted an exceptional turkey friction call that is perfect for producing exquisite turkey sounds. All friction calls are made from the best quality that is guaranteed to last. Tom Teasers set out to figure what the best choice of wood was for their turkey hunter customers. They decided to make all of their turkey friction calls from #1 grade black walnut. They didn't stop at the base; they crafted a striker that pairs well with any friction call. Their custom flared bell tip striker is easy to use and fits your hand. These turkey friction calls will be exposed to the elements of turkey hunting, so Tom Teasers made sure they weather sealed all pots and strikers.

Because ever turkey hunter is different and has preferences of their own, Tom Teasers have come out with pots of 3 different styles. Choose from Glass Over Glass, Slate Over Glass or Anodized Aluminum over Glass. Each style will give you a different turkey sound that is unique to the call. 

Shop our selection of Tom Teasers friction calls today.



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