Ducks And Bullets Flag Patch Trucker Hat | East Coast Waterfowl– Hunting and Fishing Depot Skip to content

Ducks And Bullets Flag Patch Trucker Hat | East Coast Waterfowl

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$ 28.00

Is there anything more patriotic than American flag made from ducks and bullets.......

East Coast waterfowl has done it again with this amazing ducks and bullets flag patch trucker hat. This trucker hat features a one of a kind patch. This patch is an American flag made from ducks and bullets. The stars of the American flag are shotgun shells, and the stripes are made of ducks. This truly is everything that a duck hunter would want. East coast waterfowl only uses the best hats in the business. Their hats are made to last even the roughest duck hunting trips.

Ducks and Bullets Flag Patch come on a trucker hat that is made to fit. This trucker hat has a white mesh that is perfect for letting your head breathe even on the hottest days. The bill is red with a black front panel. This is the trucker hat for duck hunters.

East Coast Waterfowl is a company that knows what duck hunters want. This duck and bullets patch is perfect for showing off your American patriotism. 

Get your east coast waterfowl ducks and bullets flag patch trucker hat today!



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